Our Management

Our Management

Mr. Mohit Arora, aged 38 years, is the Promoter, Chairman & Managing Director of our Company.  He has been on the Board of Directors of our Company since incorporation. He is Higher Secondary and having rich experience of more than 10 years in the Garment & Textile Industry and distribution. His experience in the Garment & Textile Industry and distribution channel & Networking and his attention to detail are the qualities that ensure that every activity is undertaken and implemented smoothly and professionally. He looks after of routine operational activities of our Company. With his experience, he guides Company in growth strategies and lighting the Company in increasing its scale in leaps and bounds. He is on Board of Company since incorporation i.e. 8th February, 2022.

Mr. Nohit Arora, aged 34 years, is the Promoter & Whole time Director of our Company. He is Higher Secondary and having rich experience of more than 10 years in Garment & Textile Industry and distribution. His experience in Textile Industry and distribution channel & Networking are the qualities that ensure that every activity is undertaken and implemented smoothly. He guides Company in growth strategies, operations, opportunities and lighting the Company in increasing its scale. He has been associated with our Company since incorporation i.e. 8th February, 2022.

Ms. Sonam Arora, aged 35 years, is the Non-Executive Director of our Company. She is Graduate in Arts. She has knowledge and experience in the fields of marketing as a freelancer. She is result oriented, focused, hardworking person and provides marketing advice and guidance to the members of the Board of Directors. She is on the Board of the Company since 15th May, 2023.

Ms. Sapna, aged 30 years, is Independent Director of our Company. She is an Associate Member of The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI). She is Company Secretary. She has almost 4 year working experience in the field of corporate law, Securities law, SEBI Compliance, Trademark, and Compliances. As
an Independent Director of our Company with Corporate acumen & experience, she brings value addition to our Company. She is on Board of Company since 30th November, 2023.

Ms. Saloni Mehra aged 30 years, is Independent Director of our Company, She is the qualified Associate member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI), a Post Graduate Commerce (M. Com) from GNDU Regional University and a Graduate in Commerce (B.Com.) from GNDU University. She has more than 2 years of experience in the field of Corporate Laws, Securities Law, SEBI Compliances, Financial Management, Accounts and Taxation etc. in a Listed Companies, Public and Private Companies. As an Independent Director of our Company with Corporate acumen & experience, she brings value addition to our Company. She is on Board of Company since 25th April, 2023.